Hiker Dude's What's New Page
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What's New with My Site?

I found, " Eldorado ",  in the Flat Irons of Central Colorado. This path to Shadow Canyon, soon climbs 2,000 feet, to a wonderious view, of the Indian Peaks.

What's New with My Subject? Poetry !
Here I will try and bring
You the viewer, a friendly place-
make a rhyme with this wording
enjoy what is here, in my space !

And here's another, called:Those two young ladies from Talent, Oregon. Wagner Butte, one of many great hikes in the area !! Including hikes in Northern California.

To: Those two young ladies

Hiker Dude, was the name given me
by two ladies doing their good deed !
got in my Jeep, turning lights off, you see
God be with those two young ladies, always, Amen, Indeed.